Well this is my second Thanksgiving in Nashville, and this year, I was able to come home to see my family and celebrate! I left Tuesday night after a show at Margaritaville and drove 8 hrs. north to good ol' Hudson, Ohio.
This thanksgiving will be a happy AND sad one because it will be following my grandpa's funeral on Wednesday. I'm gonna miss him so much. He had such a great role in shaping me to who I am as a man. Today was a tough day as not having him around anymore really hit me. I always told people, if I knew ONE person that was DEFINITELY going to be in heaven without one doubt, it would be my grandfather. I grew up watching my dad and him, discuss/argue/fight about topics in the Bible and looking back, I learned to find my answers in "The Good Book" because of the way they sought for their answers the way they did in the Bible as well.
My grandpa was the most straight-shooting, honest, honorable, loving, God-fearing man I ever knew. It's hard to say enough about the man he was and how he has sculpted so many others in to great people. I know he's up in heaven loving his new life, but he is missed so much down here but that's how you know you did it right on this temporary stop before eternity.
Beside that, I cannot wait to show you guys everything that is going on down here in Nashville! BUT, I'm waiting until I can unleash a little more at once to ya'll!! Just know, that its alllll good things and I am so excited! Working hard everyday is paying off!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving with their friends and family. Hope to see you at a show sometime, somewhere!!!